Kent Robinson scaling back in 2024

Kent Robinson of Bloomington, Ind., announced via social media on Friday he will not be fielding cars with his family-owned operation for the first time in 20 years.
The 36-year-old explained he continues to "feel a bit disconnected" and cited a multitude of reasons — among them family, his job at JB's Salvage and time required to be competitive — as to why he will not fully focus on racing for the first time in more than two decades.
Robinson (pictured) did hint he might still get behind the wheel this season.
"I still love the sport and will continue to be involved somewhat — maybe even driving a couple of times — but my days as a Dirt Late Model owner/operator are coming to an end ... I feel so blessed for the success we found, all the great friendships and memories made," Robinson said as part of his social media release.
"Now it’s time to concentrate on being the best father/husband/son I can be and enjoying the summer weekends with my family and friends."